Assignments [A.J.P.] sem-6 [3360701 ] - IThinkTech


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Tuesday 16 January 2018

Assignments [A.J.P.] sem-6 [3360701 ]

Subject Name :: Advanced JAVA Programming
Subject Code :: 3360701
Faculty Name : : Saifee Vohra

Assignment 1

1. What is Applet?Explain it.
2. Difference Between Applet and Application
3. Difference between Local And Remote Applet.
4. Explain Applet Life cycle.

5. Explain Graphics Class.

Assignment 2

1. What is AWT? Explain Classes Hierarchy.
2. List out Layout Managers and Explain all with example.
3. List out swing component classes.
4. List out interfaces of Event Listeneres.
5. Explain AWT label Control.
6. Explain AWT button, list, Choice Checkbox, checkboxgroup, scrollbar control with Example.
7. Explain AWT push button Control.
8. Explain Mouse Listener.
9. How To create Frame Window in Applet.
10. What is Canvas in AWT? List out its constructors and Methods.
11. What is swing? Explain in details.
12. Explain Event Handling in java.
13. Differentiate Textarea and Text field.
14. Differentiate checkbox and radio button.
15. Describe Mouseevent and Mouselistener interface with example.
16. Describe Keyevent and Keylistener interface with example.

Assignment 3 

1. Explain all types of JDBC Drivers.
2. Which Package is used for JDBC application?
3. Explain Advantages and Disadvantages of JDBC .
4. Explain Steps for JDBC Connection.
5. Explain JDBC Prepared Statement.
6. List Advantages of using JDBC API.
7. Explain JDBC Architecture.

Assignment 4

1. What is a servlet? What is difference between servlet and applet?
2. What is difference between doGET() and doPOST() methods?
3. Explain the life cycle of Servlet.
4. Write a Short note on :Reading initialization parameters in servlet.
5. Describe HTTPSERVLET class with its methods with syntax.
6. List methods of Cookie Class.
7. Explain advantages of Servlet.

Assignment 5

1. Explain the life cycle of JSP page with Methods.
2. What is Expression in JSP? Give JSP Example for it.
3. Write Short note on JSP Scripting elements.

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