Assignments[ O.O.P.] sem-4 [3341602] - IThinkTech


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Tuesday 23 January 2018

Assignments[ O.O.P.] sem-4 [3341602]

  Assignment 1
  1.        Define OOP. Define POP. Give difference between OOP & POP.
  2.        Write advantages & disadvantages of OOP. Write applications of OOP.
  3.        Explain the basic structure of C++.
  4.        List the fundamental concepts of OOP. Define each.
  5.        List the basic operators used in C++.
  6.        What is Reference variable? What is Dynamic variable?
  7.        Explain the working of I/O operators in C++.
  8.        What is manipulator? List all manipulators in C++. Give example.

Assignment 2
  1.       What is class? What is object? Write the syntax of class declaration & object declaration.
  2.        Give difference between class & structure.
  3.        List all access modifiers in C++. Explain each with use.
  4.        What is namespace? What is ‘this’ keyword?
  5.        What is static data member? What is static member function? Give example.
  6.        What is array of objects? Give example.
  7.        Explain call by value, call by reference, call by address with example.
  8.        What is inline function? Give example.
  9.        What is recursive function? Give example.
  10.        What is friend function? Give example
  11.        What is default argument? Give example.

Assignment 3
  1.       What is constructor? List its characteristics. Give example.
  2.       What are the types of constructor? Define each.
  3.        What is destructor? Give example.
  4.        Give difference between constructor & destructor.

Assignment 4

  1.            What is inheritance? What are its types? Define each.
  2.            Give example of hybrid inheritance.
  3.            What is function overriding? Give example.
  4.            What is Virtual Base class? Give example.
  5.            What is Abstract class?

Assignment 5

  1.        What is polymorphism? What is its use? What are its types? Define each.
  2.        What is function overloading? Give example.
  3.        What is operator overloading? Give example.
  4.        What is virtual function? Write its characteristics. Give example.
  5.       What is pure virtual function?

Assignment 6
  1.       What do you mean by file stream class? List all stream classes.
  2.       What is formatted I/O operation in C++? Give example.
  3.       What is unformatted I/O operation in C++? Give example.
  4.       . How output can be managed with manipulators in C++? Give example.

Subject Faculty: M. B. GOHEL

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